
導(dǎo)讀:宜賓旅游景點(diǎn)英語宣傳「宜賓旅游口號」 急需介紹宜賓市的英語ppt,可以翻譯文庫上的任意一篇 求一篇關(guān)于宜賓市旅游景點(diǎn)“夕佳山”的英文介紹。急急急! 宜賓幾個著名景點(diǎn)用英文怎么表達(dá)? 怎么用英語介紹宜賓 求介紹宜賓的英文版文章


 Introduction(介紹) 宜賓市的介紹

Yibin is located in the south of Sichuan Province, in the intersection of Jiasha River and Min River. The city covers an area of 3,034 sq km and has a population of 5.3 million.

Yibin has a subtropical, humid monsoon climate with plenty of rainfall and four distinct seasons. The average temperature is 17.5℃, while the average annual precipitation is 1,070 mm.

Yibin is rich in anthracite. Reserves of anthracite amount to 3.6 billion tons, accounting for one fourth of Sichuan's total.

Yibin is an important transportation hub of Sichuan Province. Expressways, waterways and airlines are conveniently available to the city. The Yibin Caiba Airport, 7 km from the city’s downtown area, operates flights to major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Kunming and Guangzhou.

The Neijiang-Kunming Railway, the Neijiang-Yibin Expressway, the Yibin-Kunming Expressway and State Highway 213 run through the city, while the Chongqing-Kunming Expressway Railway, the Leshan-Yibin Expressway, and the Yibin-Luzhou Expressway are under construction.

In addition, Yibin is the first port city along the Yangtze River. Shuifu, in Yunnan Province and Leshan are connected with Yibin by waterways. Three-thousand-ton ships are also able to sail directly to Shanghai via the Yangtze River.

Economic Features(經(jīng)濟(jì)特征)

Yibin realized GDP of RMB 52.9 billion in 2007, representing a rise of 14.8% year on year. The city's GDP accounted for approximately 5.0% of Sichuan’s total and ranked fourth after Chengdu, Mianyang and Deyang in the Province. The agricultural sector generated industrial output of RMB 10.7 billion in 2007, accounting for 20.3% of the city's GDP.

In 2007, the value-added output of secondary industry (industry and construction) amounted to RMB 27.7 billion and accounted for 52.3% of the city's total. The value-added industrial output generated by the industrial sector reached RMB 24.6 billion, representing an increase of 24.4% year on year.

Liquor production, energy, chemicals and machinery are the pillar industries of Yibin. Representative enterprises involved in these industries include Wuliangye Yibin, China Three Gorges Project Corporation, Yibin Tianyuan Group, which is engaged in Chlor-Alkali chemicals, and Sichuan Yibin Pushi Group 3D, which is principally engaged in equipment manufacturing.

China Three Gorges Project Corporation invested RMB 43.4 billion beginning in 2005 to construct Xiangjiaba Hydropower Station, the third largest hydropower station in China. The station will have installed capacity of 6.4 million kw upon completion in 2015.

There are three famous listed companies based in Yibin, namely Sichuan Langsha Holding600137, which is principally engaged in the manufacture of knitted underwear and knitted fabrics, Yibin Paper Industry600793 and Wuliangye Yibin000858. The three listed companies strongly support the industrial development of the city.

Among them, Wuliangye Yibin, which is the largest liquor production base and national enterprise technology center in China, realized net profits of RMB 1.5 billion in 2007, increasing 25.8% year on year. Wuliangye liquor has won a series of honors including the "National Famous Drink" title, four gold medals for national excellent products, and a place in the Top 10 Well-Known Trademarks in 1991. The brand value of Wuliangye was evaluated by industrial insiders at RMB 35.826 billion Yuan in 2006.

In 2007, the service sector generated value-added output of RMB 14.5 billion, contributing 27.4% of the city's GDP.

The city’s total foreign trade amounted to US$642 million in 2007 (comprising export value of US$417 million and import value of US$225 million), representing a rise of 46.5% year on year. Electronic machinery products and high-tech products are the city’s major export goods. Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea are the city’s top three trading partners in terms of export and import value.

In 2007, 8.4 million tourists visited the city, 33% more than in the previous year, and income from tourism was RMB 4.9 billion, up 33.8% year on year.

Cultural Highlights(文化亮點(diǎn))

Yibin boasts its profound cultural heritage. It is one of the most famous National Historical and Cultural Cities.

Yibin is known as the Liquor Capital of China because there are a lot of liquor producers in the city. Bamboo craftwork and bamboo related foods are popular among the native people. Cliff Coffin, Shicheng Mountain Cliff Tombs and Huangsan Cliff Tombs are symbols of the Bo Ethnic Culture. Nezha, one of the ancient mythological characters inform the Zhou Dynasty, was supposedly born in Yibin. Nezha Palace was built on Cuiping Mountain.

Tourist Attractions(旅游景點(diǎn)

Yibin is rich in historical and cultural relics as well as beautiful natural scenery. Attractive landscapes include the Bamboo Sea in Southern Shu, Stone Sea and Cave Town, Bowang Mountain, the western Grand Canyon, Wanyou Valley, Baxian Mountain, Qixian Lake, Lizhuan Ancient Town, Longhua Ancient Town, Nezha Palace and Yibin Tianchi.

The Bamboo Sea in Southern Shu, Stone Sea and Cave Town are rated AAAA, and thus are among the second-highest-rated national scenery spots in the country.




Xijiashan in Yibin


Xijiashan in Yibin is listed as the Country Key Cultural relic preservation organ by the State Council in 1996. It is within the boundaries of Xijiashan in Jiang-an County

According to the historical data, it was recorded that the garden was constructed by a wealthy person named Xi in the Ming Dynasty. Extension was carried out during the reign of Shunzhi Emperor (1644-1661 year). It is large in scale. There are 108 rooms in the existing houses and the floor space is 5,146 square meters. It is a typical construction of traditional folk former residence.

Covering more than 10,000 square meter, Xijiashan was built mainly of wood, the completely preserved 123-room residence, with many carvings featuring classical Chinese novels and legends, is a rare construction in Sichuan

What makes it unique is the cluster of tens of thousands of egrets.

Each year, the egrets arrive on the morning of March 8 and leave on the fifth morning after the traditional Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival. According to local chronicles, the phenomenon has lasted several hundred years and nobody knows why.

The 0.7-hectare Bamboo Sea Museum displays all the 58 bamboo species of the Bamboo Sea and ancient bamboo utensils and handicrafts. About 10,000 bamboo trees introduced from different parts of the country grow at the museum.



蜀南竹海 Bamboo Sea

李莊古鎮(zhèn) Li Zhuang Town

龍華古鎮(zhèn) The ancient town of Longhua

巡場懸棺 Cliff Coffin in Patrol field


宜賓,別稱:“僰道” 、“戎州”、“敘州城”,位于中國四川省中南部。因金沙江、岷江在此匯合,長江至此始稱“長江”,故宜賓也被稱為“萬里長江第一城”,長江宜賓—宜昌段亦稱川江。宜賓是著名的中國歷史文化名城,舉世聞名的名酒五糧液,即產(chǎn)于這里,發(fā)達(dá)的釀酒工業(yè)使宜賓成為名副其實的“中國酒都”。宜賓市是長江上游開發(fā)最早、歷史最悠久的城市之一,是南絲綢之路的起點(diǎn),素有“西南半壁古戎州”的美譽(yù)。Yibin, nickname: "mt.bowang dao", "RongZhou", "xu ZhouCheng", located in sichuan province of China south. Because in the minjiang river, Yangtze river so far, all of the Yangtze river, "says" beginning is yibin, also called the "miles Yangtze river first city", the Yangtze river yibin - yichang section also called introduced.being. Yibin are well-known Chinese historical and cultural cities, world famous wines from here, wu liang ye, namely the wine industry developed to yibin become truly "Chinese wine." The yibin is the upper Yangtze river earliest development, the oldest one of city, is the starting point of the silk road, known as the "state" GuRong southwest barcap's reputation.

宜賓,別稱:“僰道” 、“戎州”、“敘州城”,位于中國四川省中南部。因金沙江、岷江在此匯合,長江至此始稱“長江”,故宜賓也被稱為“萬里長江第一城”,長江宜賓—宜昌段亦稱川江。宜賓是著名的中國歷史文化名城,舉世聞名的名酒五糧液,即產(chǎn)于這里,發(fā)達(dá)的釀酒工業(yè)使宜賓成為名副其實的“中國酒都”。宜賓市是長江上游開發(fā)最早、歷史最悠久的城市之一,是南絲綢之路的起點(diǎn),素有“西南半壁古戎州”的美譽(yù)。


Introduction(介紹) 宜賓市的介紹

Yibin is located in the south of Sichuan Province, in the intersection of Jiasha River and Min River. The city covers an area of 3,034 sq km and has a population of 5.3 million.

Yibin has a subtropical, humid monsoon climate with plenty of rainfall and four distinct seasons. The average temperature is 17.5℃, while the average annual precipitation is 1,070 mm.

Yibin is rich in anthracite. Reserves of anthracite amount to 3.6 billion tons, accounting for one fourth of Sichuan's total.

Yibin is an important transportation hub of Sichuan Province. Expressways, waterways and airlines are conveniently available to the city. The Yibin Caiba Airport, 7 km from the city’s downtown area, operates flights to major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Kunming and Guangzhou.

The Neijiang-Kunming Railway, the Neijiang-Yibin Expressway, the Yibin-Kunming Expressway and State Highway 213 run through the city, while the Chongqing-Kunming Expressway Railway, the Leshan-Yibin Expressway, and the Yibin-Luzhou Expressway are under construction.

In addition, Yibin is the first port city along the Yangtze River. Shuifu, in Yunnan Province and Leshan are connected with Yibin by waterways. Three-thousand-ton ships are also able to sail directly to Shanghai via the Yangtze River.

Economic Features(經(jīng)濟(jì)特征)

Yibin realized GDP of RMB 52.9 billion in 2007, representing a rise of 14.8% year on year. The city's GDP accounted for approximately 5.0% of Sichuan’s total and ranked fourth after Chengdu, Mianyang and Deyang in the Province. The agricultural sector generated industrial output of RMB 10.7 billion in 2007, accounting for 20.3% of the city's GDP.

In 2007, the value-added output of secondary industry (industry and construction) amounted to RMB 27.7 billion and accounted for 52.3% of the city's total. The value-added industrial output generated by the industrial sector reached RMB 24.6 billion, representing an increase of 24.4% year on year.

Liquor production, energy, chemicals and machinery are the pillar industries of Yibin. Representative enterprises involved in these industries include Wuliangye Yibin, China Three Gorges Project Corporation, Yibin Tianyuan Group, which is engaged in Chlor-Alkali chemicals, and Sichuan Yibin Pushi Group 3D, which is principally engaged in equipment manufacturing.

China Three Gorges Project Corporation invested RMB 43.4 billion beginning in 2005 to construct Xiangjiaba Hydropower Station, the third largest hydropower station in China. The station will have installed capacity of 6.4 million kw upon completion in 2015.

There are three famous listed companies based in Yibin, namely Sichuan Langsha Holding600137, which is principally engaged in the manufacture of knitted underwear and knitted fabrics, Yibin Paper Industry600793 and Wuliangye Yibin000858. The three listed companies strongly support the industrial development of the city.

Among them, Wuliangye Yibin, which is the largest liquor production base and national enterprise technology center in China, realized net profits of RMB 1.5 billion in 2007, increasing 25.8% year on year. Wuliangye liquor has won a series of honors including the "National Famous Drink" title, four gold medals for national excellent products, and a place in the Top 10 Well-Known Trademarks in 1991. The brand value of Wuliangye was evaluated by industrial insiders at RMB 35.826 billion Yuan in 2006.

In 2007, the service sector generated value-added output of RMB 14.5 billion, contributing 27.4% of the city's GDP.

The city’s total foreign trade amounted to US$642 million in 2007 (comprising export value of US$417 million and import value of US$225 million), representing a rise of 46.5% year on year. Electronic machinery products and high-tech products are the city’s major export goods. Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea are the city’s top three trading partners in terms of export and import value.

In 2007, 8.4 million touris ts visited the city, 33% more than in the previous year, and income from tourism was RMB 4.9 billion, up 33.8% year on year.

Cultural Highlights(文化亮點(diǎn))

Yibin boasts its profound cultural heritage. It is one of the most famous National Historical and Cultural Cities.

Yibin is known as the Liquor Capital of China because there are a lot of liquor producers in the city. Bamboo craftwork and bamboo related foods are popular among the native people. Cliff Coffin, Shicheng Mountain Cliff Tombs and Huangsan Cliff Tombs are symbols of the Bo Ethnic Culture. Nezha, one of the ancient mythological characters inform the Zhou Dynasty, was supposedly born in Yibin. Nezha Palace was built on Cuiping Mountain.

Tourist Attractions(旅游景點(diǎn))

Yibin is rich in historical and cultural relics as well as beautiful natural scenery. Attractive landscapes include the Bamboo Sea in Southern Shu, Stone Sea and Cave Town, Bowang Mountain, the western Grand Canyon, Wanyou Valley, Baxian Mountain, Qixian Lake, Lizhuan Ancient Town, Longhua Ancient Town, Nezha Palace and Yibin Tianchi.

The Bamboo Sea in Southern Shu, Stone Sea and Cave Town are rated AAAA, and thus are among the second-highest-rated national scenery spots in the country.


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