singapore景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)介紹 新加坡旅游英文

導(dǎo)讀:singapore景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)介紹 新加坡旅游英文 1. 新加坡旅游英文 2. 新加坡旅游英文翻譯 3. 新加坡旅游英文作文 4. 新加坡旅游英語(yǔ) 5. 新加坡旅游英文對(duì)話 6. 去新加坡旅游英文 7. 新加坡旅游英文怎么說(shuō) 8. 新加坡旅游英文景點(diǎn)有哪些 9. 新加坡旅游英文介紹 10. 新加坡旅游英文介紹PPT

1. 新加坡旅游英文

可以 沒(méi)有這個(gè)要求,中國(guó)好多老年人也不會(huì)說(shuō)英語(yǔ),去新加坡旅游也是可以申請(qǐng)下來(lái)簽證的。還有新加坡也是說(shuō)漢語(yǔ)的,希望對(duì)你有幫助

2. 新加坡旅游英文翻譯

01 申請(qǐng)IPA

首次入境新加坡的學(xué)生,需要申請(qǐng)的是“原則批準(zhǔn)信”(IPA, in-principle-ap-proval),是移民廳 (ICA)批準(zhǔn)可以入境的證明,IPA是單次入境簽證,只可以使用一次。到達(dá)新加坡后,需要親自前往ICA部門(mén)換取正式學(xué)生證

獲取IPA之后,便可以確定行程購(gòu)買(mǎi)機(jī)票并且預(yù)定隔離酒店(一晚),酒店需預(yù)定帶有stay-cation approved標(biāo)志的酒店

02 登機(jī)時(shí)必須出示核酸


1. 這個(gè)證明必須是英文版或帶有英文翻譯版的;

2. 必須由專業(yè)人士進(jìn)行,不接受自測(cè)結(jié)果;

3. 報(bào)告必須包含:日期、結(jié)果、姓名、出生日期、護(hù)照號(hào)碼,且不接受手寫(xiě)報(bào)告;

4. 抵達(dá)新加坡后,必須在機(jī)場(chǎng)再接受一次核酸測(cè)試,井在自我隔離地點(diǎn)當(dāng)場(chǎng)等待核酸結(jié)果,一般需要8-10個(gè)小時(shí),結(jié)果成陰性,才可以外出活動(dòng)

03 更嚴(yán)格的疫苗接種規(guī)定






04 血清檢測(cè)


3. 新加坡旅游英文作文

五星級(jí)回答,一定要采納哦,不要辜負(fù)我的辛苦勞動(dòng)!【來(lái)自英語(yǔ)牛人團(tuán)】  (如何在工作面試時(shí)取得成功)作文  【How to Succeed in a Job Interview】  Nowadays, in an ever tighter job market, great importance has been attached to an interview by both the employer and the applicant. The interview, so to speak, has become indispensable for getting a satisfactory job. On the one hand, the interviewer can take advantage of the occasion to learn about the candidates, such as their work experiences, education and their personalities, so as to pick out the right candidates for the company. One the other hand, the interviewee can make use of the opportunity to get to know the job he is going to take up, the credibility of the firm to which he has applied, and the working conditions as well.  Essential as it is, the job interview is far from fearful. Well begun, half done. Excellent performance in it will enable the would-be employee secure the job. But how can one succeed in it?  First of all, the interviewee has to pay attention to his or her appearance. Though we can never judge a person by his appearance, the first impression is always where we start. Secondly, good manners are equally important. The interviewee has to be neither too proud nor too timid. Just be courteous. Thirdly, the interviewee must demonstrate his aptitude and skills for the job and knowledge about the job-related areas; he must express himself clearly and confidently. Last but not the least, the interviewee ought to be honest about his or her personal as well as academic background, for honesty is the best policy.  To sum up, the job interview is indeed important. There is no need to be nervous, however, if the interviewee has made full preparations for it and given a fairly confident and honest performance, his or her success can be ensured.  主要講面試在現(xiàn)如今越來(lái)越重要,然后講  


2.取得面試成? ?的因素:儀表、舉止談吐、能力、專業(yè)知識(shí)、自信、實(shí)事求是…… ?。ê?jiǎn)單給你翻譯一下)  如今,在一個(gè)日益嚴(yán)峻的就業(yè)市場(chǎng),面試正越來(lái)越被用人單位和申請(qǐng)人重視。面試,可以這么說(shuō),已經(jīng)成為不可或缺的得到滿意的工作。一方面,面試官可以利用這個(gè)機(jī)會(huì)了解候選人,如工作經(jīng)驗(yàn),教育和他們的個(gè)性,以挑選出合適的人才到公司。另一方面,面試者可以利用這個(gè)機(jī)會(huì)來(lái)了解這份工作的公司的可信度,他的申請(qǐng),以及工作條件?! ≈陵P(guān)重要的是,面試要遠(yuǎn)離恐懼。好的開(kāi)始,成功的一半。好的表現(xiàn)會(huì)讓面試者成為準(zhǔn)職員。但一個(gè)人怎么成功呢?  首先,應(yīng)聘者應(yīng)注意他或她的外表。雖然我們無(wú)法從外表來(lái)判斷一個(gè)人,但第一印象總是很重要。其次,良好的舉止也同樣重要。應(yīng)聘者應(yīng)是既不能太驕傲也不太膽小。要有禮貌。第三,應(yīng)聘者必須證明他的能力和技能的工作和與工作相關(guān)的領(lǐng)域知識(shí);他必須清晰、自信地表達(dá)自己。最后,應(yīng)聘者應(yīng)該誠(chéng)實(shí)的對(duì)待他或她的個(gè)人以及學(xué)術(shù)背景,誠(chéng)實(shí)是最好的策略?! 】傊?面試確實(shí)是重要的。沒(méi)有必要緊張,同時(shí),如果應(yīng)聘者已經(jīng)充分準(zhǔn)備和給出一個(gè)相當(dāng)自信和誠(chéng)實(shí)的表現(xiàn),他或她才能獲得成功。

4. 新加坡旅游英語(yǔ)

Singapore is an island country in Southeast Asia, north across the Johore Strait and Malaysia to the south, across the Singapore Strait and Indonesia, adjacent to the south of the Malacca strait.

Singapore is a developed capitalist country in Asia. It is praised as one of the "Four Dragons of Asia". Its economic model is called "state capitalism"".

Singapore is located in the tropics. The annual temperature difference and the daily temperature difference are small, and the average temperature is between 23 and 34 degrees centigrade。

Singapore is a multilingual country, has 4 official languages, namely English, Malay, Mandarin and Tamil. Singapore uses English as the main language and language of instruction.

Singapore is a foreign trade driven economy, with electronic, petrochemical, financial, shipping and service industries, highly dependent on the United States, Japan, Europe and neighboring markets, the total volume of foreign trade is four times of GDP.

5. 新加坡旅游英文對(duì)話

Merlion's Park, located on reclaimed land adjacent to Fullerton One, is the smallest park in Singapore.

6. 去新加坡旅游英文


7. 新加坡旅游英文怎么說(shuō)


The Merlion is a sign of Sentosa, Singapore's tourism logo is! It is Singapore's tallest free type structure building, the Merlion 320 scales or by optical fibers made of, to the night will continue to change color, bold and beautiful!

8. 新加坡旅游英文景點(diǎn)有哪些

Singapore is located in the southern of Asia nad close to China, and it has a nick name - Lion City. Lion City has many scenic sports and full with fresh & pleasant air, you can speak Chinese or English there, but official language is English. There is a Night Zoo, team with all of kinds of lovely animals, such as spleey koala and peachful dolphin. For your information, the Night Zoo is usually open to public in the evening

9. 新加坡旅游英文介紹


10. 新加坡旅游英文介紹PPT

Singapore is an island country in Southeast Asia, north across the Johore Strait and Malaysia to the south, across the Singapore Strait and Indonesia, adjacent to the south of the Malacca strait.


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