金字塔景點英文介紹 金字塔英語簡介

導讀:金字塔景點英文介紹 金字塔英語簡介 1. 金字塔英語簡介 2. 金字塔的英文介紹 3. 金字塔的英語叫什么 4. 金字塔英語簡介20字 5. 金字塔英文簡介 6. 介紹金字塔英文

1. 金字塔英語簡介

Pyramids are distributed in Egypt and the Americas, including upper Egypt,

middle Egypt and lower Egypt in ancient Egypt, present-day Sudan and Egypt.

There are about 80 pyramids scattered in the lower reaches of the Nile. Among them.

The largest one is the Houf Pyramid, which is 146.5 meters high and 230 meters long at the bottom.

It is made of 2.3 million stone blocks with an average area of 2.5 tons each, covering 52,000 square meters.

2. 金字塔的英文介紹

May: I watched a movie about Pharaohs in Egypt. That makes me want to travel to Egypt to have a look at those treasures.


Kate: Yeah. Every time I think of Egypt, I will go to the Pharaohs immediately.


May: I think everyone of us should go there to see what the ancient Egyptians have created.


Kate: You are right. In fact, Egypt can offer us more than the tombs of Pharaohs.


May: I know. It also has iconic pyramids that rise from ancient sands and bustling medieval bazaars full of colour, the endless desert dotted with oases of palm trees, as well as busy cities.


Kate: That is why Egypt is called a living museum and a land packed with amazing attractions.


3. 金字塔的英語叫什么


1. pyramid例句與用法: 1. 關于埃及金字塔有許多神秘的故事。 There are many mysterious stories about the Egyptian pyramids.

2. 埃及以巨大的金字塔聞名。 Egypt is famous for its grand pyramids.

3. 那地點用一堆堆成金字塔形狀的石頭作了標記。 A pyramid of stones marked the spot. 垍頭條萊

4. 建造金字塔為的是要與日月齊光. The pyramids were really built to last. 垍頭條萊

5. 金字塔是古埃及人工程技術(shù)精湛的豐碑. The pyramids are (a) testimony to the Ancient Egyptians' engineering skills.

6. 她初見金字塔時, 敬畏之感油然而生. Her first view of the pyramids filled her with awe.

4. 金字塔英語簡介20字


5. 金字塔英文簡介

在課本中,金字塔英文為:Pyramids,是一種類型的建筑物,一般用作陵墓或者祭祀之用。因為它的外形像中國的漢字“金”, 所以就叫它金字塔。其實與“金”并沒有關系。金字塔一般指的是埃及金字塔獅身人面。其他著名的還有瑪雅金字塔、阿茲特克金字塔(太陽金字塔、月亮金字塔)等。



6. 介紹金字塔英文


金字塔在埃及和美洲等地均有分布,古埃及的上埃及、中埃及和下埃及,今蘇丹和埃及境內(nèi)?,F(xiàn)在的尼羅河下游,散布著約80座金字塔遺跡。大小不 一,其中最高大的是胡夫金字塔,高146.5米,底長230米,共用230萬塊平均每塊2.5噸的石塊砌成,占地52000平方公尺。石塊之間沒有任何黏著物,靠石塊的相互疊壓和咬合壘成。國王哈佛拉的金字塔前,還矗立著一座象征國王權(quán)力與尊嚴的獅身人面像。埃及金字塔是古埃及的帝王(法老)陵墓。世界七大奇跡之一。數(shù)量眾多,分布廣泛。開羅西南尼羅河西古城孟菲斯一帶的金字塔是占有集中的一部分。



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