南京旅游景點英文介紹 南京一些景點的英文名稱

導讀:南京旅游景點英文介紹 南京一些景點的英文名稱 南京一些景點的英文名稱 例如:中山陵,夫子廟等景點的英文名稱. 南京一些景點的英文名稱 南京景點英文介紹 求紫金山的英文介紹 英語寫作文南京中山陵 救急啊~急需南京景點英文介紹和翻譯. 急!一篇介紹南京一個景點的英語文章!初一水平!??!

南京一些景點的英文名稱 例如:中山陵,夫子廟等景點的英文名稱.


鐘山風景區(qū) Zhongshan Hill Scenic Area

中山陵 Dr.Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum明孝陵 Ming Emperors Tomb

靈谷公園 Linggu Park美齡宮 Meiling Palace

孫中山紀念館 The Memorial Hall of Dr.Sun Yat-sen音樂臺 Music Platform

梅花山 P lum Blossom Hill中山植物園 Zhongshan Batanical Garden

紫金山天文臺 Purple Moutain Observatory海底世界 Underwater World

白馬石刻公園 White Horse Park玄武湖公園 Xuanwu Lake Park

雞鳴寺 Jiming Temple臺城 Taicheng City

九華山公園 Jiuhuashan Hill Park情侶園 The Couple Park

秦淮風光帶 Qinhuai Scenic Zones

秦淮河 Qinhuaihe River夫子廟 The Confucius Temple

江南貢院 Historical Exihibition Hall of Jiangnan Institute For Imperial Examination

李香君故居 Former Residence of Li Xiangjun瞻園 Zhanyuan Garden

桃葉渡 Taoye Ferry吳敬梓故居 Former Residence of Wu Jingzi

王謝古居 The Ancient Residence of the Wang’s and the Xie’s

白鷺洲公園 Bailuzhou Garden中華門 Zhonghuamen Gate

石城風景區(qū) Stone City Scenic Area

總統(tǒng)府 Presidential Palace梅園新村 Meiyuan Xincun Memorial Hall

南京博物院 Nanjing Museum朝天宮 Chaotiangong Palace

鼓樓 The Drum Tower甘熙故居Former Residence of Ganxi

清涼山 Qingliangshan Hill石頭城 Stone City

烏龍?zhí)豆珗@ Wulong Pond Garden莫愁湖公園 Mochou Lake Park

大 *** 紀念館 Memorial Hall to the Victims of Nanjing Masscre by Japanese Invaders

中華織錦村 Chinese Brocade Village紅山森林動物園 Hongshan Forest Zoo

江蘇南京廣播電視塔 The Broadcast Television Tower of Nanjing,Jiangsu Province

大江風貌區(qū) The Great River Scenic Area

長江大橋 Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge長江二橋 The Second Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge

獅子山閱江樓 Yuejianglou Tower of Lion Mountain靜海寺 Jinghai Temple

燕子磯 Yanzi Rock江心洲 Jiangxinzhou Islet

棲霞風景區(qū) Qixia Scenic Area

棲霞山 Qixia Mountain棲霞寺 Qixia Temple

舍利塔 The Dagoba千佛巖 Thousands of Buddist Rock Cave

南朝陵墓石刻 The Stone Inscription of Tomb in Southern Dynasty

南郊風景區(qū) Scenic Area in the Southern Suburds

雨花臺 Rain Flower Terrace弘覺寺塔 Pagoda of Hongjue Temple

鄭和墓 Tomb of Zhenghe將軍山 General Hill Scenic Area

南唐二陵 Two Cemeteries of the Southern Tang Dynasty

浡泥國王墓 Tomb of the King of Brunei




鐘山風景區(qū) Zhongshan Hill Scenic Area

中山陵 Dr.Sun Yat-sen’s

孫中山紀念館 The Memorial Hall of Dr.Sun Yat-sen

紫金山天文臺 Purple Moutain Observatory

白馬石刻公園 White Horse Park

玄武湖公園 Xuanwu Lake Park

雞鳴寺 Jiming Temple


Nanjing Facts

Nanjing is situated in the hilly areas of Nanjing and Zhenjiang in the lower reaches of Yangtze River,at 32:03N and 118:46E. It borders with the Yangtze River Delta to the east and the hilly areas of South Anhui to the west,adjacent to the water network of Taihu Lake in the south and the Jianghuai Plain in the north. With the "golden waterway" Yangtze River flowing through the city,it is 380km from the Yangtze River estuary to the sea,and about 300km to Shanghai,the largest city of China.

Administration Zones

Nanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province,now has under its jurisdiction eleven districts of Xuanwu,Baixia,Jianye,Gulou,Qinhuai,Xiaguan,Yuhuatai,Qixia,Jiangning,Luhe and Pukou and two counties of Lishui and Gaocun. The total area is 6598 sq uare kilometers,including 4728 square kilometers as urban area,and its total population is 6.4 million.


Nanjing,an ancient capital of China,enjoys a worldwide reputation for its history and culture. Archaeological findings show that human ancestors lived in Nanjing area around 300,000 years ago,and primitive villages took shape 6000 years ago. These inhabitants were the original local people. From then on,people lived and multiplied in this area generation after generation.

In 472 B. C.,under Goujian (King of State Yue)'s order,a city historically called "Yue City" was built on the site of Rain Flower Terrace. That is the earliest record of city construction in Nanjing area,and by now it has a history of 2,470 years. During the Three Kingdoms Period,Dongwu (Eastern Wu) moved its capital to Nanjing - called "Jianye" then,in 229 A. D.. Thereafter,dynasties like Dongjin (Eastern Jin),Song,Qi,Liang,Chen,Nantang (Southern Tang - in Five Dynasties Period),Ming,Taiping Heavenly capital Kingdom and Republic of China in turn,established their capital here. In the past 1,700 years,Nanjing has achieved its fame as "an ancient capital of ten dynasties". Dynasties waxed and waned,thus left rich legacy of ancient times. Abundant historic relics date back to many stirring stories and epic legends of the past.

During Ming Dynasty,Nanjing got its present name for the first time. Over the long period of history,it had other names like Moling,Stone City,Jianye,Jiankang,Baixia,Shangyuan,Shenzhou,Jiangning,Jiqing,Yingtian and Tianjing. Its name might be different,yet the city itself kept being outstanding for its ancient history,brilliant culture,beautiful scenery and great achievements - therefore,it holds an important place in Chinese history.

Confucius[k?0?5n’fu∫j?0?5s 孔子] temple[templ寺廟 ] & the Qinhuai river scenic[si:nik風光 ] area[ε?0?5 ri?0?5 地帶]


1:The Confucius temple, located [lou’keitid位于]at the Qinhuai River scenic[si:nik風景的] area,


2:is a well-known tourist[tu:rist旅游者 ] resort[ri’zэ:t常去度假的地方 ] of the ancient capital Nanjing .


3the river banks of Qinhuai are known for Confucius Temple


4and jointly[ d3эintli連帶地] called the Confucius temple area.


5the Confucius temple is no doubt[ daut 懷疑] the most famous.


6The temple is the place for people to pay worship[w?0?5:∫ip 崇拜] to Confucius.


7:The Confucius temple here in Nanjing was first built in 1034


8and rebuilt[ri:blt重建] in 1986


9The temple we often mentioned[men∫?0?5n提出] should include[inklu:d包括] three architectural [a:kitekt∫?0?5r?0?5建筑]complexes[kэmpleks群,綜合體]:


10the temple of Confucius with the hall of great achievements[?0?5’t∫i:vm?0?5nt大成] as the main [mein主要的]body,


11the palace[p?0?3lis宮殿] of learning and the imperial[impi?0?5ri?0?5l帝國] examination [igz?0?3mi’nei∫?0?5n考試]center.




Zijin Mountain is located in Xuanwu District of Nanjing, also known as Zhongshan Mountain. It is one of the four famous mountains in the south of the Yangtze River. It has the reputation of "Yuxiu Jinling".


The main peak of Zijin Mountain is 448.9 meters above sea level and about 30 kilometers around. The three peaks are connected like a giant dragon, integrating mountain, water and city.

紫? ??山主峰海拔448.9米,周圍約30公里,三峰相連形如巨龍,山、水、城渾然一體。

In ancient times, it was known as "the dragon on Zhongshan Mountain and the tiger in the stone city". It was very famous as early as the Three Kingdoms and the Han Dynasty.


The culture of the Six Dynasties, the culture of the Ming Dynasty, the culture of the Republic of China, the landscape city forest culture, the ecological leisure culture and the Buddhist culture are all in one mountain, which is "the first humanistic mountain in the Chinese city".



1. 寫一篇去南京的英語游記作文(要寫中山陵) 要翻譯

Golden Week, my mother and I went to Nanjing famous tourist attraction - Sun Yat-sen, it is located on the eastern outskirts of Nanjing's Purple Mountain, our great democratic revolutionary forerunner Sun Yat-sen's tomb.When we arrived in the square along a towering old trees on the boulevard, the first thing I saw a tall three stone arches, inscribed with Dr. Sun Yat-sen handwritten word "fraternity", the word points out the Sun Sun Yat-sen with a broad mind and lofty ideals. The tour guide said that the arch of such buildings in the main function is used to singing the praises of. Shihfang square in front of the stand of Dr. Sun Yat-sen as heroic vitality, swinging gesture as if being published the speech of the country's fate. Shihfang is 375 meters long, 40 meters wide ramp. The whole Mu over 300 steps, we walked to the number of steps, and unconsciously to the highest point of the Sun Yat-sen. Tomb doors with blue glazed tiles for the roof, the amount of doors is the handwriting of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's "According to the" four characters. Festival Hall has three arches, lintels "nation", "civil rights" and "livelihood" were inscribed on the scroll reads, go inside we can see the point of junction of the large festival hall engraved Profile on Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the black wall of gold, very eye-catching. Finally, we remember with humble mood came to the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Memorial Hall, the middle is made of a white marble statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Jing Ye (ye), in a solemn atmosphere, and slowly walked around the statue a circle, and then gently from the side door out of the Memorial. Standing at the mausoleum before the stage, we can see the whole Sun Yat-sen surrounded by trees in Castle Peak. Commanding, panoramic view of the entire city of Nanjing, there is such a broad perspective, the mind of people a lot of wide. I think that Sun Yat-sen ring his lifetime record of achievements is unmatched, so future generations will be the construction of large-scale tomb to honor him. Car heading to the next attraction on the road, my mind filled with the imposing sight of Sun Yat-sen.在十一黃金周,我和媽媽去了南京的著名旅游景點——中山陵,它坐落在南京市東郊的紫金山上,是我國偉大的民主革命先行者孫中山先生的陵墓。




祭堂有三道拱門,門楣上分別刻著“民族”、“? ?權”、“民生”的橫批,往里走便看到大祭堂的兩壁刻有關于孫中山先生的簡介,黑壁金字,十分醒目。最后,我們懷著崇敬的心情來到了孫中山紀念堂,紀念堂中間是一個用漢白玉做成的孫中山先生雕像,所有敬謁的人在莊嚴的氣氛中繞著雕像慢慢地走了一圈,然后從側門輕輕地走出紀念堂。


我想,孫中山先生生前所創(chuàng)下的功績是無與倫比的,所以后人會建造規(guī)模宏大的陵墓來紀念他。 在乘車趕往下一個景點的路上,我的腦海里還裝滿著中山陵那氣勢雄偉的景象。

2. 寫一篇去南京的英語游記作文(要寫中山陵) 要翻譯

Golden Week, my mother and I went to Nanjing famous tourist attraction - Sun Yat-sen, it is located on the eastern outskirts of Nanjing's Purple Mountain, our great democratic revolutionary forerunner Sun Yat-sen's tomb.When we arrived in the square along a towering old trees on the boulevard, the first thing I saw a tall three stone arches, inscribed with Dr. Sun Yat-sen handwritten word "fraternity", the word points out the Sun Sun Yat-sen with a broad mind and lofty ideals. The tour guide said that the arch of such buildings in the main function is used to singing the praises of. Shihfang square in front of the stand of Dr. Sun Yat-sen as heroic vitality, swinging gesture as if being published the speech of the country's fate. Shihfang is 375 meters long, 40 meters wide ramp. The whole Mu over 300 steps, we walked to the number of steps, and unconsciously to the highest point of the Sun Yat-sen. Tomb doors with blue glazed tiles for the roof, the amount of doors is the handwriting of Dr. Sun Yat-sen's "According to the" four characters. Festival Hall has three arches, lintels "nation", "civil rights" and "livelihood" were inscribed on the scroll reads, go inside we can see the point of junction of the large festival hall engraved Profile on Dr. Sun Yat-sen, the black wall of gold, very eye-catching. Finally, we remember with humble mood came to the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall, Memorial Hall, the middle is made of a white marble statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Jing Ye (ye), in a solemn atmosphere, and slowly walked around the statue a circle, and then gently from the side door out of the Memorial. Standing at the mausoleum before the stage, we can see the whole Sun Yat-sen surrounded by trees in Castle Peak. Commanding, panoramic view of the entire city of Nanjing, there is such a broad perspective, the mind of people a lot of wide. I think that Sun Yat-sen ring his lifetime record of achievements is unmatched, so future generations will be the construction of large-scale tomb to honor him. Car heading to the next attraction on the road, my mind filled with the imposing sight of Sun Yat-sen.在十一黃金周,我和媽媽去了南京的著名旅游景點——中山陵,它坐落在南京市東郊的紫金山上,是我國偉大的民主革命先行者孫中山先生的陵墓。




祭堂有三道拱門,門楣上分別刻著“民族”、“民權”、“民生”的橫批,往? ??走便看到大祭堂的兩壁刻有關于孫中山先生的簡介,黑壁金字,十分醒目。最后,我們懷著崇敬的心情來到了孫中山紀念堂,紀念堂中間是一個用漢白玉做成的孫中山先生雕像,所有敬謁的人在莊嚴的氣氛中繞著雕像慢慢地走了一圈,然后從側門輕輕地走出紀念堂。


我想,孫中山先生生前所創(chuàng)下的功績是無與倫比的,所以后人會建造規(guī)模宏大的陵墓來紀念他。 在乘車趕往下一個景點的路上,我的腦海里還裝滿著中山陵那氣勢雄偉的景象。

3. 急求5篇英語作文,介紹南京5大景點,中山陵,雨花臺,明孝陵,靈

1.Sun yat-sen mausoleum in modern China is great state *** en, great revolutionary forerunner, sun yat-sen. (1866 ~ 1925) and its subsidiary of the tomb plex. Sun yat-sen mausoleum sits, area of 80000 square meters, the main building is: sun yat-sen mausoleum arch, the pyramid-shaped mound, door, with stone stairs, pavilion, JiTang and burial rooms and so on, are arranged in a north-south axis, embodies the Chinese traditional architectural style.2。

YuHuaTai is the new democratic revolution of the sanctuary.YuHuaTai is located in nanjing ZhongHuaMen castle south, it is a beautiful arms of the pine hill, about 100 meters high, about 3.5 kilometers long, the top of a platform, by three of the hills. The east and MeiGang says, in hillock gang also says a hillock, phoenix xi-gang extending to, no other alias. Outside underwood YuHuaTai is revolutionary martyr died in here, the victims of the * * * and the revolution of 100000.3.Nanjing MingXiaoLing in nanjing, east of ZiJinShan (zhongshan) south of LongFu alone, west side maoshan play mount Everest. The founding emperor zhu yuanzhang and queen markov were buried here. As China is the head of the Ming tombs of the MingXiaoLing spectacular grand, represent the early Ming dynasty architecture and stone carving art achievement of the high, a direct impact on the Ming and qing dynasties DuoNian 500 imperial shape the catabs. In accordance with the historical process located in Beijing, hubei, liaoning, hebei Ming and qing emperors of the catabs, all is according to the nanjing MingXiaoLing regulation and the mode of construction. MingXiaoLing China is the largest ancient imperial the existing one, has been 600 DuoNian history.4.Spirit is located in nanjing valley temple, about 1.5 km east of sun yat-sen mausoleum, the original says JiangShan temple, in this MingXiaoLing place. Soul valley temple was built in 13 years in prison LiangTian (514), is wudi (name for burial buddhist temples and built the temple. Visit According to the who preach "volume ten records, volunteer treasure and volunteer, mon surety surnamed zhu, jincheng (lanzhou city, gansu province). After the monks had to practice zen monk j.prostate, have deep Buddhi *** attainments. In the song dynasty legend too first year (453) later, words and deeds, the miraculous "hands and feet are bird claw", often carry the mirror, scissors feet, fan the thing like the beatles, barefoot and do it, "hair or chanting songs disppeared said such as Chen, remember". Together, the wu wudi (and HouWang and god as "very, very push their monk.And the spirit of the famous valley temple have merit, previous spring with poem "emerald green wall such as screen is not a dry, neither drink Hu wake slide gump. Senior monks to the *** ell, and to the concert JinLin without",Nanjing road no. 292 buildings, is the famous the presidential palace.5 。Nanjing road no. 292 buildings, is the famous the presidential palace.Since the early, many here, through a change of Ming, qing, the taiping heavenly kingdom and * * * and age. In the Ming dynasty, this is wang han; The governor of the o governments in qing dynasty set this, is the qing government to rule the s outheastern center. Qianlong period, here have toured for palace; The taiping heavenly kingdom to the celestial palace when, the later, zeng guofan follow salty three years ago old overseers of the scale and layout reconstruction for o rivers and the governor cubits, still. In 1912, as the sun yat-sen temporary President, the presidential palace is XiHuaYuan here; In 1928, the city was the national government is located in May, 1948, in the office "President Chiang kai-shek.。

4. 去中山陵玩的,所見即所得感

yesteday was Mid-Autumn Festival; I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to Zhongshanling by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“Liwen, don't do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。

i was very happ。

5. 【英語作文去年夏天,Millie和她的父母來南京旅游,之一天去了玄武

Last summer, Millie and her parents to nanjing touri *** , the first day of the exhibition, the second day go to the park, and on the third day to the tomb to My best by xinjiekou to write a position. Key points: people time the weather, this is how you like that of a puter game, please according to the introction of introction to write a short essay introces the game. The Name of the game: Online shopperNumber levels: 8 of the Main RickyAge: turning gray or disappearing altogether: 15 for citiesGoal: Do shopping: clause in the works for one to history vocabulary- that assumptions, then to find places where knowledge for the things you are free. The Area of the hold of show: study of history-in new wordsDesigned: : 2008 Designnr: RricProcer: Magic GamesSold in Asia: the bad habits of life has affected Alex。

6. 南京中山陵作文不少于400字

1.中山陵今天,我到了六朝古都南京.我一個人逛了中山陵,感覺真的很不同,秋天的氣息,兩旁筆直的梧桐樹.莊嚴而又感動著,來這里的每一個人.孫先生做為國父,他的治國理念和博愛精神,都值得我們深深的尊敬和瞻仰. 寬闊的花崗巖石階,緊湊完整,堪稱壯觀,給人一種無以言語的壓力.孫先生臨終前囑咐:“吾死之后,可葬于南京紫金山麓,因南京為臨時 *** 成立之地,所以不忘辛亥革命也.”用來喚醒世人.爬上石階中門橫額上是孫中山手書“天下為公”,出自《禮記.禮運》中的“大道之行也,天下為公”,意思是說國家政權不是哪一家的天下,而是天下人的天下,老百姓的天下.這是孫先生畢生奮斗的理想,也是他所倡導的三民主義的極好注解.藍色的琉璃瓦在陽光下閃閃發(fā)亮。

走進里面,是漢白玉的孫先生的臥像,是按孫先生生前,一比一的比例雕刻的,安詳而又莊重. 如今,作為“中國旅游勝地四十佳”之一的中山陵每年接待著來自世界各地的無數(shù)炎黃子孫與國際友人.人們懷著對中山先生偉大精神的崇敬與景仰來到這里憑吊拜謁.在兩岸統(tǒng)一成為大勢所趨、人心所向的今天,面對目前海峽兩岸的現(xiàn)狀,海內外炎黃子孫都衷心期盼著祖國統(tǒng)一、繁榮昌盛的那一天早日到來.彼時彼刻,倘若孫中山先生泉下有知,必會含笑長眠的.游中山陵,瞻仰孫中山先生是我多年的心愿,今年五月,又去中山陵游玩,欣悅之情溢于言表.中山陵正好是在鐘山腳下,鐘山位于南京城東,古稱金陵山,漢代始稱鐘山,自古被稱為“江南四大名山之一”因山脊有紫色頁巖,每當旭日東升,或殘陽斜照,紫氣升騰,變幻莫測,故又稱為紫金山.我敞開綠肺,呼? ??著這新鮮的空氣,心情自然舒暢.因為瞻仰孫中山先生是我的夙愿,一到假期我就獨自一人來到了中山陵.中山陵始建于一九二三年,我從博愛坊進去,蹬至臺階再到陵門,經過三百多余級臺階,直抵紫金山中山陵,蹬至石階盡頭的祭殿從側門跨入墓室,只見中央砌有圓形的墓穴,雕有中山先生的臥像,據(jù)說當年孫先生在北京逝世后,由專車將靈柩運往到南京,于一九二九年六月一日在紫金山陵園舉行大典.直至今日來瞻仰先生的人群還是絡繹不絕.抬頭望去,上面是繪有 *** 黨徽的陵頂,在燈光的照射下此地更加的莊嚴肅穆.我不由想起剛才在陵門處看到的無字碑,那是孫中山先生不想把自己的偉績刻在石碑上,后人自由評說.我就更加敬佩先生.心中翻涌著中國近代史上那段風云變換的歲月,敬仰之情油然而生.從陵殿慢慢出來,向眼前望去,漫山碧綠,蒼松翠柏郁郁蔥蔥,加之陵園都是用青藍色的琉璃瓦和銀灰色石壁砌成,滿目冷清色調,觀之更加的莊嚴肅穆.據(jù)說是蔣介石為中山先生選擇的墓址,看來他今生也算做了一件好事讓先生在此安息.我拾級而下,看到這一勝景心情豁然開朗起來,一切生活煩惱早已隨風而去.南京是六朝勝地,十代古都,這座虎踞龍蟠的古城,不僅古跡多,風景也是特別的怡人.僅鐘山地區(qū)就有明孝陵、靈古寺、頭蛇嶺、白馬公園加上中山陵五大勝景.在其他處更有夜游秦淮、夫子廟等好多游覽去處.中山陵不愧是旅游圣地,有時間的話我下次還要去.2.壯麗的中山陵大家一定都聽說過孫中山,他是中國 *** 的創(chuàng)始人,被人們稱為國父,是個偉大的政治家.但你們參觀過他的陵園嗎?我早就聽說中山陵十分巍峨壯觀,今天我慕名而去.一進陵園就看到一座約二十幾米高的花崗巖牌坊,上面有兩個金色的大字“博愛”,這兩個字可是孫中山先生親筆寫的.為什么要寫“博愛”呢?大概是因為他有博大的胸懷,深深地愛著中國人民,也希望每個中國人都能“博愛”吧.走過牌坊就是墓道.墓道很寬.大約四十米左右.游覽參觀者密密麻麻,但大家都秩序井然,所以我們一點兒也不覺得擁擠.墓道兩旁種著杉樹、梧桐樹與雪松,走在道中往兩邊看,感覺綠油油的一片,蒼翠欲滴.穿過墓道就是通往陵門的392級臺階.每級臺階又高又陡,整個392級臺階顯得十分壯觀,令人肅然起敬,要上去真還有些令人望而生畏.我的心里有點打退堂鼓了,但又轉念一想:既然來了,總得去看個究竟吧.于是以百米沖刺的速度沖到了臺階頂端.頂端也就是陵門口,陵門頂端是青色的琉璃瓦,瓦下有三個門洞,供游人進出.三個門洞都是以花崗巖做的,非常堅固.進了陵門,就到了碑亭,里面是孫中山先生的墓碑,碑文是金色的,很大,也很簡潔,上面寫著 “ *** 葬總理孫先生于此”.碑亭后就是祭堂,祭堂中有孫中山先生的大理石坐像,約高6米,逼真生動,孫中山先生身著中式禮服,兩手平穩(wěn)安然地放在腿上,一雙炯炯有神的眼睛凝視著遠方,似乎在看著中國的新變化.祭堂的護壁大理石上刻著孫中山先生的“建國大綱”與“總理遺囑”.在這兒我們仿佛看到了孫中山先生為了推到君主專制而奮斗的艱苦歷程,讓我再一次感受到他的偉大.孫中山先生坐像的后面,有一座小門,它是通往墓室的,小門是用黑色大理石砌成的.進了墓室,就看到了孫中山先生的棺槨,棺槨以白色大理石建成,頂部是孫中山先生的臥像,臥像中的孫中山先生雙眼合攏,嘴角浮著一絲微笑,這大概是因為中國越來越強盛,他欣慰的笑了.孫先生一心為國家與人民工作,為大家服務,做。

7. 英文描述性作文 :南京五大景點之一(總統(tǒng)府,中山陵,明孝陵,雨

Zhong-Shan-Ling was China's great state *** an Sun Yat-sen's tomb. It is located in east China's Jiangsu Province, Nanjing Zhongshan eastern XIAOMAOSHAN the south, next to Xiao, a close Spirit Valley East, and build a mountainside. increased graally from south to north along the axis, the whole building plex layers of the mountain and increase the momentum of magnificent.。

8. 英語作文

1.My School I study in the No.I middle school,where there are three grades and thirty-o classes.It is not big but very beautiful.In the center of the school there is a new teaching building,which is very clean and beautiful.The lab building and the library are to the east of the new building.There all kinds of book in the library.You can enioy them as many as you like.South of the new building lies a playground and it's very big.On the playground,you can have sports such as football.basketball.You'd better play basketball as there are four basketball grounds in our school,You can enjoy yourself very much.There are many trees in our school.Grass is everywhere.In front of the new building there are o gardens in which,there are flowers of all colours.We are studying hard in our school,Our life is happy and intcrcsting.I love our school very much.我的學校 我就讀于一中.學校有3個年級,32個班,它并不大,但是很漂亮.校園中央是新建成的干凈、美麗的教學大樓.實驗樓和圖書樓在新樓的東側.圖書館有各種各樣的書,你可以隨意閱讀.操場在新樓的南邊,它很大,你可以在操場上做你喜歡的運動,如足球、籃球.你更好打籃球——因為學校共有四塊籃球場地——你一定會玩得十分盡興.學校種了許多樹木,草坪隨處可見.新樓的前面有兩個花園;園里的鮮花五顏六色.我們學習刻苦,我愛我們的學校.2.到馬,猴子。

在海中.現(xiàn)在我已經做到了.這是一個亮點在我的寒假.1、從北京坐飛機早上6點30分到南京,在賓館吃早餐并休息一會兒.2、7點30分坐車去紅杉森林動物園,可以看獅子和老虎.10點30分去玄武湖,可以在那兒劃船,并在那兒吃中午飯.3、下午1點,去中山陵參觀.4、下午3點去夫子廟參觀美麗而古老的建筑,在那兒有許多特別的紀念品.6、下午5點去新街口購物.6點30分回賓館.I'm worried and feel unlucky on my weigh.Last term,I was 48 kilogram but now I am 51 kilogram!I must to do banting!But most important,I have gone to Shanghai Ocean Aquarium,I want to go there very much because I want to see the horse,the monkey……in the sea.Now I've done it .It is a bright dot in my Winter Holiday.3.Spring Festival is the most importantand popular festival in China.Before Spring Festival ,the people usually clean and decorate their houses.And they go to the Flower Fairs to buy some flowers.During Spring Festival ,the *** s usually give lucky money to children.People often get together and have a big meal.Some people eat mpling for dinner.I love Spring Festival .春節(jié)是最importantand流行的節(jié)日China.Before春節(jié),人們通常的清潔和裝飾houses.And他們去花卉博覽會買些flowers.During春節(jié),大人給壓歲錢通常以children.People經常聚在一起,并有很大的meal.Some人吃餃子吃晚飯.我喜歡春節(jié).。


Confucius[k?n’fu∫j?s 孔子] temple[templ寺廟 ] & the Qinhuai river scenic[si:nik風光 ] area[ε? ri? 地帶]


1:The Confucius temple, located [lou’keitid位于]at the Qinhuai River scenic[si:nik風景的] area,


2:is a well-known tourist[tu:rist旅游者 ] resort[ri’zэ:t常去度假的地方 ] of the ancient capital Nanjing .


3the river banks of Qinhuai are known for Confucius Temple


4and jointly[ d3? ?intli連帶地] called the Confucius temple area.


5the Confucius temple is no doubt[ daut 懷疑] the most famous.


6The temple is the place for people to pay worship[w?:∫ip 崇拜] to Confucius.


7:The Confucius temple here in Nanjing was first built in 1034


8and rebuilt[ri:blt重建] in 1986


9The temple we often mentioned[men∫?n提出] should include[inklu:d包括] three architectural [a:kitekt∫?r?建筑]complexes[kэmpleks群,綜合體]:


10the temple of Confucius with the hall of great achievements[?’t∫i:vm?nt大成] as the main [mein主要的]body,


11the palace[p?lis宮殿] of learning and the imperial[impi?ri?l帝國] examination [igz?mi’nei∫?n考試]center.


12As early as in 337 A.D.[ei’di:公元],


13but at that time there was only the palace[p?lis宮殿] of learning without the Confucius temple.


14The temple was built up and extended[ikstendid擴大] on the basis [beisis基礎]of the palace of learning until 1034.


15The Confucius temple complex[kэmpleks 復雜] covers [k∧v? 包括]the pan[p?n畔] pool[pu:l池],screen[skri:n屏,照壁] wall,the gateway[geitwei通道] of all scholars[skэl?學生,有文化],


16juxing[聚星] pavilion[p?’vilj?n亭],Kuixing[魁星] pavilion, Lingxing[靈星 ] gate,


17the hall of great achievements[?‘t∫i:vm?nt 達成] and the gate etc[ =et cetera等等et’set?r? ].


18As the confucius temple in qufu,Shandong province


19is built by the side of the pan river,


20all the temples of Confucius in the country


21are built at the riverside


22and the water in front of Confucius temple is called pan pool.


23And this has become a custom[k∧st?m慣例] through[θru:在期間] long usage[ju:sidЗ慣用法]


24this confucirs temple makes the natural stream[stri:m流動] of the Qinhuai river as its pan pool,


25which is also called the pool of crescent[kresnt新月] moon “by the local[louk?l當?shù)豜 people.


26Standing at the southern bank of the pan pool is the screen[skri:n屏] wall,


27which is 110 meters long and 10 meters high.


28it ranks[r?ηk更高點] top among all the screen walls across[?’krэ:s遍布各地] the county.


29The wall was built in 1575 and newly renovated [‘ren?,veit重做]in 1984 .


30the function [f∧ηk∫n功能]of the wall


31was to indicate[indikeit表明] that the confucirs’ learning was too profound[pr?faund淵博] to be understood by common[kэm?n普通] folks.[fouk民眾]


32Another function was to cover up遮擋 the main building of the temple,


33so as to以便 give people an impression .[impre∫?n印象]of its grandeur[’gr?n dЗ?輝煌] and magnificence[m?g’nifisns莊嚴]


34The gateway[geitwei入口處] of all schola rs[skэl?學者] was first built in 1586 in an imitation[imitei∫?n仿制] of that in Qufu.


35The meaning of the structure[str∧k t∫?] was to refer[rif?:歸于] to Confucius as the hub[h∧b中心] of all writings and ethics[eθiks道德] in ancient times.


36lingxing gate is also called the gate of etiquette[eti’ket禮儀]


37specially built for emperors[emp?r?皇帝] to offer[э:f?提供] sacrifice[s?krifais祭祀] to Confucius .


38the gate built in front of confucius temple


39implies[implai暗指] the meaning of


40“people of talent[t?l?nt天才] coming forth[fэ:θ涌現(xiàn)] in large numbers[n∧mb?大量]


41and stability[st?‘biliti穩(wěn)定] of the country.”


42Dacheng gate or the gate of great achievements[?t∫ivm?nt達成]


43is also called halberd[h?b?d戟] gate,


44which is the front door of the Confucius temple.


45As Confucius epitomized[ipit?maiz作為縮影] Chinese culture,


46he was posthumously[pэstjum?死后] granted[gra:ntid假定] the title[taitl稱號] of super saint[seint圣徒] Confucius.


47In the entrance[entr?ns入口] hall[門廳] of the gate there are four old stone tablets [t?blit碑]:


48The tablets of Confucius asking laozi of the ethical[eθiks道德] codes[koud經].[孔子問禮圖碑]


49It was made in 484 A.D. ring the southern dynasty


50recorded[rekэ:d記錄] on the tablet is the personal[p?s?nl個人] experience[ikspi?ri?ns經驗] of Confucius on his visit to Luoyang,


51the capital of the eastern zhou dynasty in 518 B.C.


52where Confucius made investigations[investingei∫?n研究] on the system of institutions[institju:∫?n制度] of the zhou


53and went in quest[kwest尋找] of the ways of how to prosper[prэsp?繁榮] and stabilize[steibilaiz穩(wěn)定] the country

去尋找了如何繁榮和穩(wěn)定國家的 ***

54and of how to consolidate[k?nsэlideit聯(lián)合] the power of slave[sleiv奴隸] owners[oun?主人] in the lu state[steit國家].


55The tablet of jiqing Confucius temple.


56In 1308 when the yuan dynasty reigned[rein統(tǒng)治] over the country,


57emperor wuzong issued[i∫iu發(fā)布] an imperial[impi?ri?l帝國] edict[i:dikt布告]


58”take ecation as the state administration[?dministre∫?n管理] of the empire[empai?皇權]”


59In the next fall when the Confucius temple started to be rebuilt ,


60lu wrote an inscription[inskrip∫?n碑文] for the tablet.


61but the tablet was not made right away until 22 years later in 1330.


62In the xianfeng years of the qing dynasty,the Confucius temple was burnt down in a war


63and the tablet was missing[misiη失蹤]


64ring the reconstruction[ri:k?nstr∧kl?n重建] of the Confucius temple in 1986, the tablet happened[偶然發(fā)生] to be unearthed[∧n’?:θ發(fā)掘] from the underground[地下]


65The tablet of the four saints[封四圣碑]

66In 1331 emperor wenzong of the yuan dynasty granted [gra:ntid加封]the four disciples[di’sai’pl門徒] of Confucius


67Yanhui, zengshen, kongji and mengke as 4 saints[] second to Confucius


68and they were carved [ka:v雕刻]on a stone tablet to inform [infэ:m告知]the whole country.


67tablet of madam super saint Confucius.[封至圣夫人碑]

68 In 1331 the wife of Confucius was posthumously awarded the title of Madam Super Saint(孔子之妻被加封為至圣夫人)


69and a stone tablet was made for her according to the imperial decree (以此旨勒石刻碑) and erected here side by side with the tablet of the four saints (與封四氏碑并列于夫子廟) .

70Dacheng Hall or the Hall of Great Achievements (大成殿) is the main building of Confucian Temple


71and the very place to enshrine and worship Confucius (供奉和祭祀孔子的地方).

72 The hall is a double-eaved and gable-roofed structure in ancient imitation (重檐歇山頂仿古建筑),

73Displayed in the hall there is a huge portrait of Confucius (孔子巨幅畫像),

which is the largest one through out the country.

Also put on show are the portraits of Yan Hui (顏回), Zeng Shen (曾參), Kong Ji (孔伋) (the grandson of Confucius) and Mengke (Mencius), the four disciples of Confucius as well as a number of ancient musical instruments.

Hung on the inner walls of the hall there are 38 jade-and-jadeite-carved paintings inlaid with gold, jewelry and mother-of-pearl (羅鈿) about the life story of Confucius (孔子生平事跡).

In the temple courtyard (廟院) enclosed by roofed corridors, there is a large open-air terrace (露臺), which used to be an altar for holding sacrificial ceremony and performance of songs and dance (曾是祭祀和歌舞的地方). on the terrace there stands a huge bronze statue of Confucius. the forehead of the statue appears a unique wisdom-and-foresight of the great thinker (眉宇間透露出偉大思想家特有的睿智), better making a deep impression on visitors.

Juxing Pavilion At the west of the temple square there stands a hexagonal pavilion (the pavilion with its 6 eaves upturned) called “Juxing”. The name of Juxing means “assembly of stars” (群星匯聚) and “a galaxy of talent” (人才薈萃), because all the men of letters or well-ecated people were regarded as stars over the sky in feudal China. Juxing pavilion was the place for intellectuals to converge on (聚集) and to learn from each other by exchanging their experience in study (切磋學習心得).

Kuixing Pavilion (now called Kuiguang Pavilion) (魁光閣) at the east of Pan Pool lies the Kuixing Pavilion, which is also called the Pavilion of God of Literature (文星閣). The three-storied hexagonal tower was the place for provincial examination candidates (鄉(xiāng)試士子們) to pay worship to Confucius before they sit for imperial examinations (應考前拜孔的地方). Later,the pavilion was turned into a teahouse (茶社) for candidates (考生) to meet friends with tea drinking.

Kuixing is the star at the tip of the bowl of the Big Dipper (魁為北斗星之之一星), one of the 28 constellations over the sky (天上28個星宿之一). It was said to be God of literature dominating the fortune of culture and ecation (主宰文運之神) and ,Confucius was regarded as the God. In times of imperial examinations (在科舉時代), the examination candidates often came to offer sacrifice to Confucius in the hope of successfully passing the imperial examinations and becoming a provincial graate (以求中舉).

The Palace of Learning (學宮) The Palace of Learning is an architectural complex consisting of Mingde Hall or the Hall of Bright Virtue (明德堂), Zunjing Library (尊經閣), Qingyun Tower (青云樓) and Ancestral Temple for Worshiping the Parents of Confucius (崇圣祠) etc.. The Palace of Learning was an institution of higher learning (高等學府) of the prefecture in ancient times, usually built behind Confucian Temple.

Mingde Hall or the Hall of Bright Virtue (明德堂) was the main hall (正堂) of Palace of Learning ,the place for putting up the list of successful candidates (張懸科第題名榜) in the years of the imperial examination system and was also an assembly auditorium ( *** 禮堂) for the students to attend lectures on Confucius teachings(圣教)and imperial edicts (上諭) given by assistant instructor(聽訓導師宣講圣教和上諭) after their pilgrimage on the first and the 15th day (朔、望日) every lunar month.

Zunjing Library (尊經閣) was a two-storied building with each having 5 rooms (上下兩層各五楹). The upstairs was used to collect the Chinese traditional learning of the Ming Dynasty (明代國學),. The downstairs was the lecture hall (講堂),where assistant instructors (訓導師) used to give students lectures.

Qingyun Tower (青云樓) and Ancestral temple of Confucius Parents (崇圣祠)

The Qingyun Tower is a memorial temple (祠宇或祠堂) for enshrining ecational inspectors (督學) of the past dynasties (青云樓是供奉歷代督學使的祠宇). The Ancestral Temple for Parents (崇圣祠) of Confucius was the place for students to offer sacrifices to Confucius parents. But someone also says it is the Saint-Admiring Temple specially for enshrining the deciples of Confucius (是祭祀孔門弟子的專祠).



Hello,my dear visitors,welcome to Nanjing.Nanjing is a city of history,because it was the capital of dynasty Ming.So it must be a different part in your travel memory.Now i will introce a famous place in Nanjing,we call it the Rampart of Nanjing.it was built in 1386,so it had a very history.but what a pity ,some of it had been destoried in the past.in nowdays,our government realize it is a big problem,so they try their best to protect it well.so until today we can still see the beautifui scenery.indeed,it is only a litter about our city,in the coming days,we can have a visit in the city.so i believe ,you can feel more about the city.Maybe wonderful, develop,hilarity and so on.But all above,it is really a special experience in your life!



南京夫子廟始建于宋景佑元年(公元1034年),由東晉學宮擴建而成。這一組規(guī)模宏大的古建筑群歷經滄桑,幾番興廢,清同治八年(公元1869年)重建之后,于1937年遭侵華日軍焚燒而嚴重損毀。1984年,市、區(qū)人民 *** 為保護古都文化遺產,經有關專家科學論證和規(guī)劃,幾度撥專款,歷數(shù)年的精心維修和復建。如今的夫子廟已煥然一新,再展輝煌。被譽為秦淮名勝而成為古城南京的特色景觀區(qū),也是蜚聲中外的旅游勝地。1991年被國家評為“中國旅游勝地四十佳”之一。

Nanjing Confucius Temple is for consecrating and worshipping Confucius, the great thingker and ecator of ancient China.

Nanjing Confucius temple was built in Song Dynasty (A.D.1034) and expanded in East Jin Dynasty. These architecture was ruined and rebuilt for several times. The Confucius Temple once was rebuilt in Qing Dynasty (A.D.1869) but was serious fired and destroyed by the Japanese aggresser troops in 1937. In order to protect the old city, the Chinese Government appropriated funds to rebuild and fix the Confucius Temple. Nowad ays it has re-expressed its splendid civilization to the world and has been Nregarded the special scenery of anjing. In 1991, the Confucius Temple was elected the "Forty Best Scenery Spots".


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