南京著名景點英文 南京景點英文介紹

導讀:南京著名景點英文 南京景點英文介紹 南京一些景點的英文名稱 例如:中山陵,夫子廟等景點的英文名稱. 南京景點英文介紹 南京景點名英文翻譯。要 *** 的說法。 南京名勝用英文表示 南京名勝古跡 英文

南京一些景點的英文名稱 例如:中山陵,夫子廟等景點的英文名稱.


鐘山風景區(qū) Zhongshan Hill Scenic Area

中山陵 Dr.Sun Yat-sen’s Mausoleum明孝陵 Ming Emperors Tomb

靈谷公園 Linggu Park美齡宮 Meiling Palace

孫中山紀念館 The Memorial Hall of Dr.Sun Yat-sen音樂臺 Music Platform

梅花山 P lum Blossom Hill中山植物園 Zhongshan Batanical Garden

紫金山天文臺 Purple Moutain Observatory海底世界 Underwater World

白馬石刻公園 White Horse Park玄武湖公園 Xuanwu Lake Park

雞鳴寺 Jiming Temple臺城 Taicheng City

九華山公園 Jiuhuashan Hill Park情侶園 The Couple Park

秦淮風光帶 Qinhuai Scenic Zones

秦淮河 Qinhuaihe River夫子廟 The Confucius Temple

江南貢院 Historical Exihibition Hall of Jiangnan Institute For Imperial Examination

李香君故居 Former Residence of Li Xiangjun瞻園 Zhanyuan Garden

桃葉渡 Taoye Ferry吳敬梓故居 Former Residence of Wu Jingzi

王謝古居 The Ancient Residence of the Wang’s and the Xie’s

白鷺洲公園 Bailuzhou Garden中華門 Zhonghuamen Gate

石城風景區(qū) Stone City Scenic Area

總統(tǒng)府 Presidential Palace梅園新村 Meiyuan Xincun Memorial Hall

南京博物院 Nanjing Museum朝天宮 Chaotiangong Palace

鼓樓 The Drum Tower甘熙故居Former Residence of Ganxi

清涼山 Qingliangshan Hill石頭城 Stone City

烏龍?zhí)豆珗@ Wulong Pond Garden莫愁湖公園 Mochou Lake Park

大 *** 紀念館 Memorial Hall to the Victims of Nanjing Masscre by Japanese Invaders

中華織錦村 Chinese Brocade Village紅山森林動物園 Hongshan Forest Zoo

江蘇南京廣播電視塔 The Broadcast Television Tower of Nanjing,Jiangsu Province

大江風貌區(qū) The Great River Scenic Area

長江大橋 Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge長江二橋 The Second Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge

獅子山閱江樓 Yuejianglou Tower of Lion Mountain靜海寺 Jinghai Temple

燕子磯 Yanzi Rock江心洲 Jiangxinzhou Islet

棲霞風景區(qū) Qixia Scenic Area

棲霞山 Qixia Mountain棲霞寺 Qixia Temple

舍利塔 The Dagoba千佛巖 Thousands of Buddist Rock Cave

南朝陵墓石刻 The Stone Inscription of Tomb in Southern Dynasty

南郊風景區(qū) Scenic Area in the Southern Suburds

雨花臺 Rain Flower Terrace弘覺寺塔 Pagoda of Hongjue Temple

鄭和墓 Tomb of Zhenghe將軍山 General Hill Scenic Area

南唐二陵 Two Cemeteries of the Southern Tang Dynasty

浡泥國王墓 Tomb of the King of Brunei



Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is located in Nanjing City, northwest Yangtze River, connecting downtown with the District of Pukou, the Yangtze River is first designed and built by China itself, double type railway, highway bridge. The bridge is 4589 meters long, 15 meters wide driveway, can accommodate large-scale car parallel 4, two side still have more than 2 meters wide sidewalks; the lower rail bridge is 6772 meters long, 14 meters wide, paved track, two off the train at the same time. One of the river surface is 1577 meters long bridge, the bridge, a bridge in China is the most. Bridge is the column on the road, bridge approach road with Chinese characteristics and form of double curved arch bridge.

January 18, 1960 officially started. In 1968 September railway bridge opened to traffic on December of the same year, highway bridge, Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is the rail highway bridge, railway bridge is 6772 meters long, 4588 m long road bridge, bridge passable million tons of ship. Following Yangtze River bridge, Wuhan Chongqing Baisha and Yangtze River bridge after third across the Yangtze River 's largest bridge. After the bridge opened to traffic, ferry, Shangha i two line connected, from Beijing to Shanghai, from the Beijing-Shanghai railway has been through.

Editor this paragraph geographical location

Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge is located in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in Nanjing city on the Yangtze River, northwest of downtown, communication and Pukou District, is the first one from our own design and construction of double type railway, highway bridge. Completed in December 29, 1968. The bridge is 4589 meters long, 15 meters wide driveway, can accommodate large-scale car parallel 4, two side still have more than 2 meters wide sidewalks; the lower rail bridge is 6772 meters long, 14 meters wide, paved track, two off the train at the same time. One of the river surface is 1577 meters long bridge, the bridge, a bridge in China is the most. Bridge is the column on the road, bridge approach road with Chinese characteristics and form of double curved arch bridge. Highway Bridge on both sides of the rail is inlaid with 200 pieces of cast iron embossed, sidewalks and a 150 pair of Magnolia flower-shaped lamps.

Editor this paragraph bridge structure

Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge River Bridge has a total of 9 pier 10 holes, each pier is 80 meters high, each mound bottom area of over 400 square meters, was larger than a basketball court, the highest pier from the base to the top 85 meters high. The distance between the pier and pier in addition to the north shore first hole is 128 meters, the remaining 9 hole is 160 meters, under the bridge is feasible ship 10000 tons. The bridge ends with 4 many meters 70 tall tower. If the whole Rainbow Bridge on the river volley, bedrock buried in the bridge river from 33 to 47 meters, 9 pier foundation using heavy concrete caisson, and pipe column steel open caisson, floating sunk well of reinforced concrete, steel sheet pile cofferdam pipe column foundation. 10 hole reinforced beam bridge in 9 holes for the span of 160 meters, made of high quality alloy steel pieces on site riveting assembling and erecting. Very spectacular. Especially in the evening, the bridge railing on the 1048 floodlight lit, pier 540 lamps metal halide light up the river shines as the day, plus 150 pairs of highway bridge Yulan lantern Qi Ming, and a bridgehead on the large-scale sculpture lamp sodium lamp 228 so that as the bridge across the river on a string of pearls. When night fell, with all the lights on, stretching more than 10," suspected Galaxy nine days off".

Editor this paragraph bridge aesthetics and environmental landscape

The north and South Bridge, each having a pair of bridge tower, 70 meters high, bridgehead on each have three red flag, symbolizing the 50 time of people's commune, great leap forward and general line. Bridgehead before also each have a 10 meters high workers and other five sculpture, for at that time the Chinese society 5 major components, namely, agricultural workers, soldiers, science, business, is typical of the Cultural Revolution Literature style. In the bridgehead around Fort body with " full unity of the people of the world long live" and other relief. Three red flags in the completion of the bridgehead, swept the country, was repeatedly imitation, but also in the 60-80 time become the symbol of Nanjing City, until today the Yangtse River Bridge bridgehead Nanjing generation is still famous tourist attractions.

Highway Bridge on both sides of the rail is inlaid with 200 pieces of cast iron embossed, sidewalks and a 150 pair of Magnolia flower-shaped lamps. A bridge will fly to span the north and south, turning a deep cha *** into a thoroughfare; The Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge was built, not only communicate the traffic of our country north and south, and became the forty-eight king of the ancient city of nanjing.

The north and south sides of the bridge under the bridge, has an area of about 20 hectares of the bridge in the park, planting a variety of flowers and trees, and elevator to bridge bridgehead. The bridge on the South Bank of Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge South Fort Park, also has the introction of the exhibition of the history of Yangtze River bridge. These make the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge more magnificent.

Edit this section design and construction units and personnel

Design: Bridge Engineering Bureau of Ministry of Railway

Structural engineering: Iron Bridge Survey and Design Institute

Construction: Bridge Engineering Bureau of Ministry of railway staff

Chief engineer: Mei Yangchun ( died in 1962 in Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge first-line site )

Technical Advisory Committee Chairman: Li Guohao

Chief Design Engineer: Hu Jingming

Beam general designer : the Qin and Han Dynasties

Bridgehead building designers: Zhong Xunzheng

Editor this paragraph traffic

Take the 12 road, 15 road, 67 Road, 69 Road, 117 Road, 149 Road, 307 road to bridge park; by 156 Road, 159 Road, 168 Road, 172 road to the southern bridgehead; by 131 Road, 132 Road, 136 Road, 150 Road, 151 Road, 157 Road, 159 Road, 172 of the way up to the head of Beiqiao fort; to Pukou, Liuhe to suburban bus bridge.

Editor this paragraph Touri ***

Nanjing was listed as one of four sites of Jinling, bridge column on the road, bridge approach road with Chinese characteristics and form of double curved arch bridge. Highway Bridge on both sides of the rail is inlaid with 200 pieces of cast iron embossed, sidewalks and a 150 pair of Magnolia flower-shaped lamps. White elegant. North and south ends each have two 70 meters high tower, a castle in the elevator can pass railway bridge, road and Bridge bridgehead on the lookout. Fort ago also each have a 10 meters high soldier sculpture. South Fort is a scenic park.



南京景點名英文翻譯。要 *** 的說法。

金陵燈會; Jinling parade 梅園新村 Meiyuan investigation 中華門城堡 ZhongHuaMen castle 大明宮 DaMingGon 云錦博物館 Brocade museum 雨花臺烈士陵園 YuHuaTai martyr cemetery 等等


夫子廟 Confucius Temple

玄武湖 Xuanwu Lake

中山陵 Dr.Sun Yatsen's Mausoleum

紫金山 Purple Mountain or Zijin Mountain

呵呵 烏衣巷拿不準




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南京名勝古跡 英文

Cultural City

In addition to historical sights, memorials, museums and cultural sights also attract thousands of travelers. The famous Confucius Temple (Fuzimiao) is not only a memorial place for the Great Sage in China but has a surrounding area bustling with shops, restaurants and a snack street housed in traditional Chinese architectural buildings. In the city center, Nanjing Museum is a must for travelers with a collection of more than 420 thousand pieces, including about 2,000 that are rare and valued. The observatory on Zijinshan Mountain to the east of the city center was the first modern observatory built in China.

Qin Huai River , in the southwest of the city, extends one hundred kilometers. The river used to be the most flourishing part of Nanjing in the old days. In many Chinese novels, it is renowned as a place which nurtured beauties and romance. Today, it is a place for people to recall the old splendor of this historical city. Like all sights in Nanjing, it tells the story of past, present and future for the city.


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