
導(dǎo)讀:山東旅游景點(diǎn)大全介紹英語(yǔ)(濟(jì)南旅游景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)) 求:濟(jì)南旅游景點(diǎn)英語(yǔ)介紹(大明湖,千佛山,趵突泉) 中國(guó)旅游景點(diǎn)介紹,(英語(yǔ)的) 有關(guān)青島旅游景點(diǎn)的英文介紹~~ 急啊急。。 青島旅游景點(diǎn)的英文名


Jinan Daming Lake is one of the three major attractions, is the heart of the city in a rare natural lakes, is also important attractions Springs and open windows. It is located at the center of northeast, north of Old Town. Daming Lake is a city of convergence of all the springs from the natural lake, great area, accounting for almost a quarter of the old city. All urban areas together in this spring, after the door into the Xiaoqing River water from the north. Today the lake 46 hectares (690 acres), park area of 86 hectares (1290 acres), the lake about fifty-three%, with an average depth of about 2 meters, the depth of about 4 meters.

① Qianfoshan: Yi County is located 16 kilometers northwest of the Thousand Buddha Mountain Forest Park is a provincial forest park, with a total area of 20,000 acres, 65% forest cover, with an average elevation of 1122.6 meters, there are three main gully. ② Qianfoshan: County is located in Mianyang, Sichuan, Beichuan County and Maowen junction of three counties, an area of about 220 square kilometers, only 30 kilometers away from the County town, lie in the southern section of Minshan Mountains, elevation 3033 meters. ③ Qianfoshan: Located in the south east of Jinan City, the Department, not far from the city center. Qianfoshan undulating ridges and peaks, Linmusensen, like the natural barrier of Jinan. It is the Jinan three (Baotu Spring, Daming Lake) spots.

④ Liaoning Thousand Buddha Mountain, located in Fuxin City, senior shijiazi Zhangwu five li of mountains southwest of town into.

Baotu located in the downtown area of Jinan, Baotu middle Luoyuan Street South and south Thousand Buddha Mountain, east of Spring City Square, Daming Lake north, an area of 158 acres, is the spring characteristics of the main garden. The springs in Jinan seventy-two Springs ranked first, known as the "Number One Spring", is first seen Spring in Jinan, the ancient literature. Baotu is the symbol and logo of Jinan Springs, and Thousand Buddha Mountain, Daming Lake, Jinan, known as the three major attractions.




Imperial Palace, Italy for past imperial palace, was Forbidden City which the past people often said that located at Beijing town center. the Imperial Palace completed the bright Yunglo 18 years in (in 1420), occupied a land area of 720,000 square meters, the floor space 160,000 square meters, had the palace to construct more than 9000, was Chinese and even the world extant most greatly most complete ancient times palace architectural complex.

有關(guān)青島旅游景點(diǎn)的英文介紹~~ 急啊急。。




Xuejiadao tourist resort is a provincial tourist resort approved by the people's Government of Shandong Province in November 1995. It is located in Qingdao Economic and Technological Development Zone. With a planning area of 9.8 square kilometers, the resort is a long and narrow peninsula with a coastline of 54 kilometers. The northeast is a mountainous area, the central part is a plain, and the southwest part is a hilly area. Like a phoenix flying, it lies on the shore of the Yellow Sea.

Xuejiadao tourist resort is also one of the twelve provincial tourist resorts in Shandong Province. "Sunrise of Huang'an", "ancient temple of Chaohai", "Xiaozhong of Shangquan", "snow wave of Yuzui", "sea singing of stone sparrow", "Phoenix playing pearl", "sunset of Zhimen" and "scenery of Phoenix Mountain" add attractive charm to Xuejia island.



Qingdao polar ocean world is located at No.60 Donghai East Road, Laoshan District, Qingdao City, Shandong Province. It is a large-scale ocean world complex integrating leisure, entertainment, shopping and culture. It was completed in July 2006. The first phase of the core project polar ocean animal exhibition and Performance Hall, Ocean Expo and popular science exhibition hall are now national AAAA tourist attractions.



主要分為石 門(mén)寺景區(qū)、珠山秀谷景區(qū)。景區(qū)自然景觀(guān)和人文景觀(guān)薈萃,旅游資源豐富,先后被評(píng)為青島市森林公園、山東省農(nóng)業(yè)旅游示范點(diǎn)、全國(guó)農(nóng)業(yè)旅游示范點(diǎn)、國(guó)家AAAA級(jí)旅游景區(qū)。

DAZHUSHA N scenic area is located in the southeast coast of Huangdao District, Qingdao, with 486 meters of the main peak, Dazhai top, and a total area of 65 square kilometers.

It is mainly divided into Shimen Temple scenic area and Zhushan xiugu scenic area. The scenic spot is rich in natural and cultural landscapes and tourism resources. It has been successively rated as Qingdao Forest Park, Shandong Agricultural tourism demonstration point, national agricultural tourism demonstration point and national AAAA level tourist attraction.



青島是國(guó)家歷史文化名城、重點(diǎn)歷史風(fēng)貌保護(hù)城市、首批中國(guó)優(yōu)秀旅游城市。國(guó)家重點(diǎn)文物保護(hù)單位34處。國(guó)家級(jí)風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)有嶗山風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)、青島海濱風(fēng)景區(qū)。山東省近300處優(yōu)秀歷史建筑中,青島占131處。青島歷史風(fēng)貌保護(hù)區(qū)內(nèi)有重點(diǎn)名人故居85處,已列入保護(hù)目錄26處。 國(guó)家級(jí)自然保護(hù)區(qū)1處:即墨馬山石林。





Zhanqiao Pier 棧橋

Little Qingdao Isle 小青島

Xiaoyushan Park 小魚(yú)山公園

May 4th Square 五四廣場(chǎng)

Music Square 音樂(lè)廣場(chǎng)

Seashore Sidewalk 濱海步行道

Catholic Church 天主教

Naval Museum 海軍博物館

National Shilaoren Tourist Resort石老人國(guó)家旅游度假區(qū)

Laoshan Scenic Area 嶗山風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)

Zhongshan Park 中山公園

Qingdao Zoo 青島動(dòng)物園

Zhanshan Temple 湛山寺

No.1 Bathing Beach 第一海水浴場(chǎng)

Huiquan Square 匯泉廣場(chǎng)

Huilan Pavilion 回瀾閣

Donghai Sculpture Road 東海雕塑

Qingdao Municipal Museum 青島市博物館

Former Residence of Kang Youwei 康有為故居





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